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the halo effect.

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Q: Physically attractive people are generally assumed to be more intelligent warm witty and likable is known as?
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Depends what meaning of 'safe' is assumed. Are we talking about 'safe' for humans, or for the environmenrt as a whole?

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It is a logical conclusion based on multiple ideas and theories that are generally assumed to be true

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It is assumed that they died.It is assumed that they died.It is assumed that they died.It is assumed that they died.It is assumed that they died.It is assumed that they died.It is assumed that they died.It is assumed that they died.It is assumed that they died.

How did cavemen parents know how to reproduce?

Sexual reproduction has been on Earth for 1.5 billion years. It is one of our most instinctual behaviors. Even sheep know how to reproduce and few can argue they are not the most intelligent of animals. Just a sub point. It is generally assumed that "cavemen" were slow witted and stupid. There is growing evidence that neanderthal (most peoples image of cavemen) were in fact almost as intelligent as homo sapien. They made stone tools and appreciated art in a way we used to assume was purely a modern human trait.

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I really doubt a whole lot happened... It is generally assumed that she was born the year before... in 1595. ;o))

What is the personality of a cyclops?

I imagine that like people, the Cyclops' personalities varied, but they're generally assumed to be very brutal and not too bright.

When jesus was adult what was his profession?

The straight answer is: We don't know. It is, however, generally assumed that being Joseph's firstborn; he would have been a carpenter.

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It would be a challenge, because the pencil generally is assumed to have a pointed tip, not a hook, which is required for crochet.

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I imagine that like people, the Cyclops' personalities varied, but they're generally assumed to be very brutal and not too bright.

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Scientists believe Troodon was one of the smartest dinosaurs based on its large brain-to-body size ratio, which suggests high intelligence. Additionally, its large eyes and unique teeth are features commonly associated with predators that required advanced cognitive abilities for hunting. Studies of its brain structure also suggest it had advanced sensory and motor skills.