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Q: Phase relationship between oscillating electric and magnetic fields?
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What is the phase relation between oscillating electric and oscillating magnetic fields in an electromagnetic wave?

The fields are in time phase and space quadrature.

What is the relationship between electricity and magnetisum?

The magnetic field will be perpendicular to the electric field and vice versa.More DetailAn electric field is the area which surrounds an electric charge within which it is capable of exerting a perceptible force on another electric charge. A magnetic field is the area of force surrounding a magnetic pole, or a current flowing through a conductor, in which there is a magnetic flux. A magnetic field can be produced when an electric current is passed through an electric circuit wound in a helix or solenoid.The relationship that exists between an electric field and a magnetic field is one of electromagnetic interaction as a consequence of associating elementary particles.The electrostatic force between charged particles is an example of this relationship.

What is the relationship between electric and magnetic waves in electromagnetic waves?

Electric and magnetic fields are perpendicular to each other in electromagnetic waves. A change in the electric field generates a magnetic field, and a change in the magnetic field generates an electric field. They support each other and travel together in a wave-like fashion.

What is the phase difference between electric and magnetic field?

In an electromagnetic wave, the phase difference between the electric and magnetic fields is 90 degrees. This means that when the electric field is at its maximum value, the magnetic field is zero, and vice versa. This relationship is essential for understanding how electromagnetic waves propagate through space.

What are the diffrent parts of an electromagnetic wave?

An electromagnetic wave consists of an electric field and a magnetic field oscillating perpendicular to each other. The two fields are in phase with each other and propagate through space at the speed of light. The interaction between the electric and magnetic fields allows the wave to carry energy and information.

Do circuits or electric currents have a magnetic field?

Yes, electric currents generate magnetic fields. This is described by Ampere's law in electromagnetism, stating that a current-carrying conductor produces a magnetic field around it. This relationship between electric currents and magnetic fields is fundamental to the operation of electromagnets and many electronic devices.

What is a magnetic field will be produced at some point in space if the electric field at the point?

If there is a fluctuating electric field at a point in space, it will induce a magnetic field at that point according to Maxwell's equations. The changing electric field will generate a magnetic field that curls around the direction of the electric field changes. This relationship between electric and magnetic fields is described by Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction.

Electric field in total magnetic field?

The electric field is a fundamental force that arises from the interaction of charged particles, while the magnetic field is a force that arises from moving charges. In the presence of a changing magnetic field, an electric field is induced, as described by Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction. This relationship demonstrates the interconnection between electric and magnetic fields.

Who discovered magnetic field of electric current?

Hans Christian Oersted discovered the magnetic field of electric current in 1820. He observed that a compass needle was deflected when placed near a wire carrying an electric current, showing a relationship between electricity and magnetism.

What is the relationship between electromagnetic waves and vibrations?

Electromagnetic waves are created by vibrating electric charges. When an electric charge oscillates, it creates a changing electric field which in turn generates a changing magnetic field. This interplay of changing electric and magnetic fields propagates through space as electromagnetic waves.

When a charge is flowing through a wire you have an electric?

When a charge is flowing through a wire, it creates an electric current. The flow of charges generates a magnetic field around the wire, as described by Ampere's law. This relationship between electric currents and magnetic fields forms the basis of electromagnetism.

What is the relationship between on electric current and magnetic field?

An electric current produces a magnetic field around it, according to Ampère's law. This phenomenon forms the basis of electromagnetism and is described by Maxwell's equations. The strength of the magnetic field is directly proportional to the magnitude of the current flowing through the conductor.