When pathogens enter the body, they begin to cause disease. Path=disease+ gen=to make (or generate).
Many ways, for instance if someone sneezes and doesn't wash their hands,shake hands with you and you eat something with your hands e.g: Pizza then it will have done
they enter the bloodstream. when you get cut for example, the capillaries are broken, so there, the pathogens enter.
An infection occurrs.
the immunes system i found out of my teacher
the immunes system i found out of my teacher
Pathogens can enter the body from body fluids. They can also be transferred by blood via body contact or sharing needles. Pathogens aren't to be messed around with, because they can range from HIV to salmonella to parasites.
Pathogens can enter the body through various routes such as inhalation, ingestion, direct contact with broken skin, or through insect bites. Once inside, they can multiply and cause infection by evading the body's immune defenses and damaging tissues.
Yes. Anything that comes into our bodies MAY contain pathogens.
Certain pathogens enter and multiply within the human body.. (: