paraphrasing their work.
When you copy someone elses work and you give them no credit for it.
Copying and using someone elses work, claiming it your own. Piracy, also
Paraphrase is the verb; paraphrasing is the gerund ( noun ).
Paraphrase is the verb; paraphrasing is the gerund ( noun ).
It is called paraphrasing. To restate in your own words.
yes if it is from someone elses work
You can go on google and type in Faceinhole that should work for you.
An example of unintentional plagiarism could be forgetting to cite a source or not properly paraphrasing information from a source, thus inadvertently presenting it as your own work.
If you self asses your work you are basically checking/marking your workPeer asses is when you mark/check someone elses work!!
Plagiearism is dishonest because you are claiming someone elses work as your own. THis is basically intelletual theft.
To restate in ones own words the written work of someone else is to paraphrase.