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Structure of a nucleus- whether prokaryotic (then Kingdom Monera) or Eukaryotic. If Eukaryotic, then the next criterion to be used is Number of cells- if Unicellular, then the organisms are placed in Kingdom Protista. Further, if multicellular, then go for mode of nutrition. If holozoic, then it is Kingdom Animalia, if Autotrophic nutrition, then it is characteristic of Kingdom Plantae, and If nutrition is saprophytic or parasitic, then it characterizes Kingdom Fungi.
There are 6 Kingdoms today:

  1. Plantae
  2. Animalia
  3. Protista
  4. Fungi
  5. Archaebacteria
  6. Eubacteria.

The Kingdom that the organism is assigned to is based on:

  • Its cell type (complex or simple)
  • Its ability to make food or not
  • The number of cells in the body

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Cell structure
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Their ability to reproduce or where they live.

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Q: One characteristic used to place organisms into kingdom is?
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One characteristic used to place organisms into kingdoms is their ability to make what?

One characteristic used to place organisms into kingdoms is their ability to make organic molecules through photosynthesis.

What is one charicteristic to place organisms into kingdoms?

The characteristic used to place organisms into kingdoms is their cell type. Organisms are classified based on whether they are prokaryotic (lacking a nucleus) or eukaryotic (having a nucleus). This fundamental difference helps separate organisms into broad categories at a higher taxonomic level.

What characteristic used to classify organisms?

they use genus and dichotomous keys

The more classification levels that two organisms share?

The more classification levels two organisms share, the more closely related they are in terms of evolutionary history. Organisms that share many classification levels are likely to be more similar in terms of genetics, anatomy, and behavior.

What is the primary characteristic on which the first division of organisms is made?

The primary characteristic used for the first division of organisms is whether they are prokaryotic or eukaryotic. Prokaryotic organisms lack a true nucleus and membrane-bound organelles, whereas eukaryotic organisms have a distinct nucleus and membrane-bound organelles within their cells.

What three organisms are used to place organisms into domains and kingdoms?

bacteria, archaea, and eukarya

Yeast is an example of?

Yeast is an example of migro-organisms of the fungi kingdom, used mostly for fermenting.

What is the largest category for naming organisms?

Domain it comes before Kingdom, but is not used very often

What does kingdom phylum and class mean?

Kingdom, phylum, and class are taxonomic ranks used in biological classification. Kingdom is the highest rank and represents the broadest category of organisms, such as plants or animals. Phylum is a subcategory within a kingdom, grouping organisms based on shared characteristics. Class is a further subcategory within a phylum, grouping organisms based on even more specific shared characteristics.

What characteristics are used to place organisms in to kingdoms?

Being trustworthy

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What is the phylum kingdom in science?

Phylum is a taxonomic rank below kingdom and above class. It is used to group related organisms based on shared characteristics. In the classification system, organisms are grouped into domains, kingdoms, phyla, classes, orders, families, genera, and species.