When it comes to getting the mission completed yes. But depending on the situation, not everyone is serious 24/7 365.
She is annoying. She is too religious and she always wants to be right which can be annoying and i want someone to shut her up
its always raining
I'll bet many people were complaining about always losing stuff, and getting killed by annoying players.
I took a gulp as the monster came towards me. I gulped down my milk. If there's one thing I always get in trouble for, it's gulping drinks down. I enjoy gulping hot soup down, burning my throat. (joking)
Hahahaha I believe all younger siblings can be annoying at some points, but they will always love you.
Dylan is annoying because, he's racist, a Narcissist, a degenerate, always judging you, and likes calling you a monkey.
he is kindda annoying. he always swings his arm around my face and says dead. im more annoying though and i make sure that i always get my sweet payback. i love to annoy him with my classical music. he's a video game addict.
by pple who always annoying other pple
They eventually quit nagging and annoying when the things they are nagging you and annoying you about become unconscious habits for you. And those are always very good unconscious habits. Think about it.A bit more:Because it's the only way to get through to annoying kids who won't listen. Besides, it's a mom's job to be as annoying as possible. Show me a kid who is allowed to do anything they want, with no responsibilities, and I'll show you a mom who is not doing her job.
Tate Booker is very annoying and always looking to get in trouble
because its really funny and really annoying =]