Ng irrigation, or nasalgastric (tube) irrigation, is employed when
the aspirated/suctioned stomach content starts to clot the ng tube
and compromises its drainage efficiency. It is important to irrigate the ng tube but not the connection tube of the suction device. A 30-50 mL of normal saline
is needed for this procedure.
ng irrigation procedure:
1. Always check for placement of the ng tube first. There are many
ways to do so, some of them include:
1a. x-ray;
1b. verify pH value of the aspirated stomach content-- which should
be between 1-4;
1c. verify the color of the aspirated stomach content-- which should
be green;
1d. Push 10-20 mL of air into stomach with syringe and auscultate ULQ
for the wooshing sound in stomach.
2. Prepare solution for irrigation. Check normal saline bottle for
its opened date. Do not use it if it's been opened more than 24
hours. Many of the NS is pakaged into a one-time-use pod
with various but much smaller amount.
Open the normal saline pod or pour 50 mL into irrigation container from the larger bottle.
3. Don gloves. Withdraw 30 mL of normal saline into irrigation syringe.
4. Clamp ng tube shut and disconnect it from suctioning machine's connection tube. Place machine's connection tube on a towel or a disposable pad.
5. Use dominant hand, tip of syringe pointing downward, to inject normal saline to the drainage port of ng tube slowly. Nondominant hand is to hold the ng tube. Avoid injecting into the air vent of a Salem sump or double-lumen ng tube.
6. Withdraw NS back with the same amount for the return of irrigation
fluid. If amount aspirated is greater, it's to recorded as output. If amount aspirated is lesser, record it as intake. This fluid is now containminated and should be discarded into separate basin with that in mind.
7. Connect ng tube back to the connection tube of the suctioning apparatus such as a gumco machine.
8. Remove gloving, record and measure irrigant, and perform hand hygiene.
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Removal of NG tube: 1. Check PO for discontinuation of ng tube. 2. Explain procedure to pt, perform hand hygiene and don gloves. 3. Turn off suction device and remove tape from pt's nose or cheek. 4. Stand on pt's right side if right handed, place disposable pad across pt.'s chest. 5. Inject air before pulling out tube to prevent residual contents draining into oropharynx. 6. Ask pt. to hold breath to help preventing aspiration. 7. Dominant hand to draw the tube out into the towel held by nondominant hand, to minimize dripping and unpleasant sight. 8. Record the drainage collected by suction machine or drainage bag as fluide output. 9. Dispose and perform hand hygiene. tzu911