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There are a lot of different conditions that can cause nausea. Ask a doctor.

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Q: Nausea that comes and goes feeling weak WHAT COULD THIS BE?
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If you are early in your pregnancy and your nausea stops should you be concerned?

I had absolutely no nausea with my 1st child, none the whole way through. With my 2nd child, I had 3 full weeks of feeling like I had a stomach virus. It went away after 3-4 weeks and it never returned. I am possibly pregnant now (waiting a few days to test) and I have slight nausea that comes and goes. Every woman is different. Not having nausea is a good thing. =)

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The antonym of "Goes" could be, "Comes" or "Approaches" . . .

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it could be just a pinched nurve or a blood clot but it also could be something bad u should get it checked out

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Why does smoking make you dizzy?

Since nicotine is a foreign substance to a non smoker's body, it causes nausea. Also, the lack of oxygen could be a factor too. Lastly, when you smoke, your heartbeat rate goes up, which could also be a cause of nausea and headaches.

I'm 5 weeks pregnant and every morning this week I wake up with a nervous feeling in my stomach. Once I'm up and out of bed it goes away. What could this be?

At about the same time in my second pregnancy, I used to get a strange feeling in my stomach along with mild nausea which would pass before too long. I could never discover what the cause was, other than just a normal reaction to pregnancy hormones. Good luck!!!

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Could be the switch

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it could be your pulley that keeps tension on your belt or it could be a belt

You get nauseas often and your ears keep blocking and getting water in them Could your ears be causing the nausea?

no, getting sick or the felling to throw up comes from the stoomach. You uslually thow up when you have to much food in your stomach. Or when your sick, it's harder to diegest the food so it goes out your mouch than butt.

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all your pain goes a way. you feel like your body is in a different stare of mind. but the high ends and the pain comes back.

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I guess you meant, When do we need to recover from stress? Well my friend stress -that I know of- is not something you recover from stress comes and goes it's a feeling

Hard bump under skin on side of nose that comes and goes what is it?

A hard bump under skin on the side of the nose that comes and goes sounds like a common zit. However, it also could be a calcium deposit.