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3)Ependymal cells


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Q: Name the four types of neuralgia in the cns?
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What are four types of neuralgia found in CNS?

astrocytes, microglia, oligodendrocyte, & ependymal cells

Does neuralgia involve degeneration of the nerves outside the CNS and affects the distal muscles of the extremities?


What are the four types of neuroglia in the CNS?

Astrocytes, Microglia, Ependymal cells, and Oligodendrocytes

What are the most numerous types of neurons in the CNS?


What types of neuron carries impulses away from the CNS?


What week can the cns be differentiated in developing embryo?

Week four

What are 3 types of neurons?

Functional types of neurons: 1. sensory (afferent) neurons - input to CNS from sensory receptors; dendrites located at receptors, axons in nerves, cell bodies in ganglia outside the CNS 2. motor (efferent) neurons - output from CNS to effectors cell bodies and dendrites located in the CNS, axons in nerves 3. interneurons - communicate and integrate information within the CNS; located entirely within the CNS

What are the three types of neuron?

Functional types of neurons: 1. sensory (afferent) neurons - input to CNS from sensory receptors; dendrites located at receptors, axons in nerves, cell bodies in ganglia outside the CNS 2. motor (efferent) neurons - output from CNS to effectors cell bodies and dendrites located in the CNS, axons in nerves 3. interneurons - communicate and integrate information within the CNS; located entirely within the CNS

What are specialized cells that do all the support activities for the nervous system?

Neuroglia are the supporting cells of the NS. There are four types in the central nervous system (CNS) and two types in the peripheral nervous system (PNS). They all have functions that contribute to the overall health of neuron cells.

What four function help protect the CNS?

csf , skull, BBB

What are the different types of nerves cells or neurons differentiate the types based on function?

There are 3 different types of neurons , 1 : sensory for conduction of impulses to CNS , 2 : Inter neuron for integration and 3 : motor for conduction of impulses from CNS to body .

What is the difference between neurons and neuralgia?

The difference between Neuralgia and Neuron are given below:Neuralgia:1. Neuroglias are supporting cells. 2. Nerve cells remain in position due to supporting cells called neuralgia.3. It forms supporting media for CNS and myelin in nerves devoid of Schwan cells.Neuron:1. Neurons are nerve cells. 2. Neurons work with the help of their processes like axon and Dendron.3. These are responsible for transmission of impulses by excitability.