

Best Answer

Talk to your doctor. If you don't have one or can't afford one, there are clinics available that won't charge you.

Doctor's visits are confidential.

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Q: My period was supposed to come on June 30. days later i had some bleeding but it was to different from mi period cycle it was very light and i actually have heavy bleedings when it comes.please help?
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What does conduit bleeding mean?

It's a medical term for a bleeding condition that can be recurring following certain complications. If having recurring bleedings it's often a good choice to contact healthcare specialists and get treatment because it can be a sign of a more severe condition.

You dont know wats going on with your body but you have vaginal bleeding and its been going on for a month you have no cramps or pain at all wats wrong?

Always go see a doctor when you have strange bleedings.

What were the treatments for headaches in the Tudor times?

Most treatments in Tudor England were bleedings. A backache meant a bleeding from the back, so a headace meant a bleeding from the head or the general area. It was believed aches were caused by bad bile in the body and that bleeding helped to rid the body of this bile.

Im pregnant but still have the bleedings but the colour was coklat or some time rad pls advice?

You should seek medical attention, as soon as possible. Any form of vaginal bleeding during pregnancy should be looked at right away.

Implantation bleeding remains for how many days. I normally bleed 3-4 days and what is its color?

You can have implantation bleeding from 3-7 days. Its usually lighter than your period and pink or brown in color. But, keep in mind every woman is different. So women actually confuse implanation bleeding with their period. I've heard of some women have actually had heavy bleeding and they thought it was their period, but i actually was implantation bleeding. I've also had this same experience with 1 of my pregnancies. Good luck:)

What type of drugs will you give to a girl who is bleeding after a DNC?

You are supposed to bleed up to 4 weeks and then get your period. If you think you bleed too much you have to see a doctor. There is no medication you can get by yourself. You will need a prescription. Never take risks with medication regarding bleedings.

Is bleeding bad during a pregnancy?

Actually, about 10% of all women experience some type of light bleeding during pregnancy. This bleeding, though, is not the same as getting your period. One of the most important things to do is to determine whether you're spotting or bleeding since they are very different symptoms that can indicate totally different issues. See your health care provider for more information.

Bleeding Time is normal or abnormal in fever condition?

The bleeding time can be different for an animal under different conditions. When a fever is present, the higher temperature prolongs bleeding time.

What is placenta previa in prematurity or premature birth?

The pathology can appear as soon as in the 20th week of pregnancy but is usually seen around the 29th week. it shows as a bleeding without contractions. It can be followed for more bleedings, each growing in volume.

If you are taking the pill is it possible to be pregnant but still bleed on your break?

Sorry, but my English isn't that good. Let's give it a try. = If you are taking the pill is it possible to be pregnant but still bleed on your break? = In rare cases: yes. Bleeding while taking the pill does't have to mean anything. Bleeding can fail to appear, although you're not pregnant. There may be a withdrawal bleeding, although you are pregnant. A regular bleeding, as you are used to from former pill cycles may be a hint, that you're not pregnant, but it is no proof or guarantee. Because of the decrease of the hormone in the break, there are more or less strong bleedings. But that doesn't have to mean, that there isn't an embryo already sitting in your womb, which has turned on it's own hormone production. That little amount of lost blood would then be insignificant to the embryo. Therefore it's possible, that such pregnancies are not detected until the 3rd or 4th month, because the woman had her regular bleedings caused by the hormones of the pill. Such things happen rarely, but they happen. Bleeding while taking the pill is something artificially created. It is a hint, that you're not pregnant, but you can't be 100% sure. Hope this was understandable.

If you are taking the pill can you be pregnant and still bleed on your break?

Sorry, but my English isn't that good. Let's give it a try. = If you are taking the pill is it possible to be pregnant but still bleed on your break? = In rare cases: yes. Bleeding while taking the pill does't have to mean anything. Bleeding can fail to appear, although you're not pregnant. There may be a withdrawal bleeding, although you are pregnant. A regular bleeding, as you are used to from former pill cycles may be a hint, that you're not pregnant, but it is no proof or guarantee. Because of the decrease of the hormone in the break, there are more or less strong bleedings. But that doesn't have to mean, that there isn't an embryo already sitting in your womb, which has turned on it's own hormone production. That little amount of lost blood would then be insignificant to the embryo. Therefore it's possible, that such pregnancies are not detected until the 3rd or 4th month, because the woman had her regular bleedings caused by the hormones of the pill. Such things happen rarely, but they happen. Bleeding while taking the pill is something artificially created. It is a hint, that you're not pregnant, but you can't be 100% sure. Hope this was understandable.

Can implantation bleeding occur 2 days after your period ends?

Implantation bleeding typically occurs 6-12 days after conception when the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine lining. Bleeding 2 days after your period ends is more likely residual menstrual blood. If you suspect pregnancy, consider taking a pregnancy test a few days after the bleeding stops to confirm.