that's ok because my little sister gets it all too but if u really do want attention speak up .the reason they get it all is well....there probaly cuter or ((sweater))but that's ok u can do alot more than her
You can tell by how he looks at you and the attention that he pays to you as opposed to others when you're in a group setting. How close he sticks to you and how close he gets to you. When you're confident in all of that, move a little closer, pay a little more attention, and maybe ask him.
by acting tough or going out with someone popular
if the attention is wanted then flirt all you want
tell her to back off a little and steal the guys including your crush
Erin Hunter revealed in an online chat on that Dovekit will be the one with the power. She also mentioned that Ivykit won't like it that her sister is the one getting all the attention. just finished the forth apprentice it is dovekit and lionblaze is her mentor Ivykit is angry that dovekit gets all the attention
Justin Bieber DOES NOT have an older sister. He has a little brother Jaxon and a little sister Jazmyn. DON'T BELIEVE ALL THE RUMORS.
Go to school and get good grades, make something of yourself now and then the attention will be on you later. You don't stop your sister, she is not responsible for the actions of others. You can't control them either. Make your sister your friend and take the above advice.
Brandi her older sister and Noah her little sister. That all of them.
yeah that does happen alot. brothers tease their sister or tell them what to do. it gets tiring after awhile when they are all grown up.
yes she has all of them
no were all different
your mom loves you just as much, its just she expects more from you because you are older, and she gives more attention to your lil sister because of her position. So try to be understanding and avoid feeling pain, because she loves you just as much and she expects you to be more understanding and counts on you, therefore, she pays most of her attention to your little sister.