If you don't feel comfortable then do not have an open relationship. You should talk to your girlfriend and explain. Maybe she needs time to think about her feelings.
Everyone has a certain pace that they prefer to progress in a relationship. Your girlfriend may not want to rush into anything, and it is your job not to force her into anything that she is not comfortable doing. If it is still a big concern for you, talk to her about it first, but do not push anything if she is not ready to move forward in the relationship yet.
If you really believed that your girlfriend knows what she is doing you would not want to breakup the relationship, thus, you have doubts. She has possibly brain-washed you into thinking she knows what she is doing or, you are not independent and do not trust your own decisions. If you are unhappy in your relationship and find your girlfriend controlling and feel over whelmed by it all then be true to yourself and let your girlfriend know that you no longer want to be in the relationship. Sit down with her and let her know why you want to end the relationship and stick to what your heart tells you to do.
no...but your girlfriend should know where you are and what your doing at all times.
It could be that he is unhappy in the current relationship. It could be that the girlfried he has doesnt meet his needs. But he could also just be a player. Either way its not right what he is doing and if he is unhappy in his current relationship then should not be in it.
If she is cheating on you, she is not really your girlfriend. Do not try and teach her a lesson, it belittles you. Your relationship with her is not going anywhere, simply drop her and look for a new girlfriend. Do not say why you are doing this , simply say she is not the girl for you and it is over.
'Ex' means the relationship is over so it should be of no concern on your part that he is taking a trip with a new girlfriend. It does hurt, but you need to move on; get out with friends and have some fun and by doing so you will meet the true person that should be with in your life. Your ex has moved on and so should you and me.
if your girlfriend is out and you don't know were she is you should probibly look for evidence that shes not cheating on you
I assume you are asking for advice to obtain her consent, not methodology. If your girlfriend is not interested in doing this, then that is that. It is an issue of mutual consent and she gets to have her opinion. You will need to honor her wishes and your relationship with her. It has nothing to do with her feelings for you and you should not hold it against her if you truly care for her.
You should stop your girlfriend from doing that. It is a bad thing on the part of her to beat any other girl. You should tell her to stop doing that.
you should get 1 when you are in middle school, personally i think that you should get a girlfriend at the age of 35 because that's what i , Srikanth Venkataraman plan on doing
Best thing to do is tell them to stop and to tell your girlfriend what her friend is doing. But if you want to do the bad thing: Start sabotaging her friends relationship or get the friend one and start annoting her about it. -Get that person out of your life!
I don't know there should be a problem unless in a relationship already, I wouldn't recommend doing anything about it, just kind of ignore it. If the ex-girlfriend created some bad problems while in the relationship, I defiantly wouldn't recommend trying to get back together.