it is the fanny flap
Hi, a fanny flap is the skin on each side of the vagina, it can look baggy on some women if they are highly sexed or diseased. Fanny flaps are sometimes known as "Beef Curtains"also known as "pishflaps"
Yes, Fanny Crosby and Helen Keller were friends. Fanny Crosby was a hymn writer and Helen Keller was a writer and activist who admired Crosby's work. They corresponded through letters and met in person a few times.
flap flap flap.
Me of course i am a fanny.
Fanny Rodwell's birth name is Fanny Vlamynck.
Fanny de Sivers was born in 1920.
In British English, "fanny" is a slang term for a woman's genitals. In American English, "fanny" is a slang term for the buttocks.
my little 8 year old sister plays on that you shouldn't you great big fanny flap face with no intelligence apart from perving on 8 year old girls trying to dress cool
Fanny will marry a hobbit
Fanny's was created in 1946.
flap could flap and the flap could explode the flap earth