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Q: My first day of my period was very light and a light red the next two days it was only brown spotting and it stopped?
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When you start your period if you have brown spotting do you count that as the first day of your cycle or do you wait till you see bright red blood?

any sort of spotting either before or after is considered to be your period.

What does it mean if the first day of your period is brown spotting now only light pink spotting?

My favorite usually last four days it came on which is only two brown spots on my pad that’s it no..

Do you count spotting as the first day?

When you have your period, more than spotting comes out. I'm on a period myself and the first i had mine, it wasn't spotting first. But it's actually what you believeis the first day. So sure, spotting could count as the first day.

After you start birth control for the first time do you consider spotting the first day of your period or actual flowing the first day?

spotting is the beginning of what will be your period.

When do you starting counting the 1st day of your periods?

The first day of your period is the first day of bleeding - you don't count days when you are spotting (brown or pink discharge).

Do you get a period after your first depo shot?

it is not a period it is heavy spotting.

Is spotting considered first day of period?

No it is not.. The first day of a full flow is considered the first day of your cycle.NO! because it is just spotting not your real period it might be a sign of your period beginning to approach!

I have had cramping on my stomach and then I was bleeding So I thought that I got my first period but now on your pad there is brown not red Is it still blood?

yes its just spotting

Can a first period be just spotting for a week?

yes it can,

What does it mean when you are spotting before your period?

Spotting is normal before your period - your period doesn't just suddenly start, it starts slowly at first so only small amounts of blood will leave your body, this is spotting.

What does it mean if your discharging brown?

I am asuming that you havent had your period before, so it would be spotting. Your really close! At first discharge is white and later on it gets brown because some blood is in it. If you are expirencing itching, you might have an infection.

Trying to get pregnant period isn't due for 7 days for 2 days i have had light brown spotting is it normal could it be implantation spotting when should i test the bleeding is now gone?

You could be pregnant. I had brown spotting 10 days before my period was suppose to start. 5 days later I took a First Response (5 days before your missed period) and it came back positive. If you take it that early and it comes out negative, it could be a false negative. It is still best to wait 5 to 10 days after a missed period. Good luck!