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Q: Most people who drove after the use of drugs were using?
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Why most people using illegal drugs?

bcoz they got habit of this while they had used them once

Do people start using drugs with the intention of being a drug addict?

No. Most people start using drugs out of curiosity or an attempt to escape, temporarily, from what ever problems they have. Certain people are genetically pre-disposed to addiction more so than other. For people that have the addiction gene, it is much harder to stop once they have started using.

How do most people feel about DARE?

most people feel that daer is good for their children and other people who do drugs. and not to get influenced to do drugs.<3 (:

How many people have died from using drugs in sport?

Not many. Most of them just get caught using a drug

What do most people use drugs for?

Some people use drugs to get high. And others use drugs to cure illnesses.

What is the most effective way to get someone to stop using drugs?

The most effective way to help someone stop using drugs is by providing support, understanding, and encouragement. Encouraging them to seek professional help, such as counseling or rehab, can also be beneficial. Building a strong support system and helping them find healthier coping mechanisms can aid in their recovery.

Can you drink if you took Motrin?

As with most drugs, the instructions warn specifically against using alcohol while using it.

What is the most dangrous drugs?

It depends on who's taking it, some people will react differently to different drugs than other people.

Why do people agree with drugs?

People may agree to use drugs for various reasons, including peer pressure, curiosity, desire for pleasure or relaxation, coping with emotions or stress, or addiction. Societal influences, mental health issues, and underlying vulnerabilities can also play a role in why individuals may choose to use drugs.

What four drugs are most commonly abused by young people?

Prescription drugs are the most abused by this generation.

Where do most people work in New York?

saling drugs

Is 50 cent doing drugs?

most black people do