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Uh...yeah you're pregnant.

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Q: Missed your period for 2 months?
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Missed period for almost 2 months now have light spotting for 2 weeks?

If you have missed your period for two months you may be pregnant. Take a pregnancy test to be sure. If you are not pregnant, stress may be the cause of your missed cycle.

Does ept test work two months after you miss your period?

If pregnancy has in fact occurred a test will show an accurate response 2 months after a missed period.

You had a period 2 months after you gave birth you have been taking birth control for 3 months stopped nursing and have missed 2 periods What could be the reason for missing your period?

the birth control is probably it.

What causes a missed period for more than 2 months besides pregnancy?

Stress can cause a missed period or so can PCOS, Hormonal Imbalance, Endometriosis, STD, ovary problems or not ovulating. See your doctor.

How many months have to pass by until the doctor tells you your pregnant?

After 8 to 10 days of your missed period. You have enough time to decide about to terminate or continue the pregnancy. It does not take months after missed period.

Can you test 2 weeks before missed period?

Home pregnancy tests are designed to be used AFTER your missed period. Using it 2 weeks before a missed period could skew the results.

Can you get parnat if no period?

You Can be Pregnant If You Have Missed Your Period But Sometimes it Just Skips And It Is Best To Just Get A Test And Check after 3 months

What does it mean if you missed your period 2 months in a row?

There are several reasonsYou are pregnantunder stressover exercisingnot eating/severe dieting/bulimiahave a medical conditionhormones/menopause

You missed your period for 4.5 months now What is going on?

See your Doctor as you may have irregular periods.

I was on the depo for 3 months and still had my period. I missed an injection and my period hasn't come. what does that mean?

You could be pregnant. Take a test.

You missed almost two months of your period can it be that im pregnant or that you have an STD?

If you have missed your period for two months, you are probably pregnant. You could take a home pregnancy test, but you should see a doctor and if you think you could have an STD, you should see a doctor immediately anyhow.

You missed your period 2 months ago could you be pregnant?

I think you should go to the doctor for check up. i think 80% chances are that u r pregnant