How can I put it ... BOGIES! The mucus in the nasal cavity is rich in antibodies and other immune factors, and the cells lining the cavity also have tiny, hair-like protrusions known as cilia, which gradually waft the mucous layer away from the interior. The mucus dries, and falls away from the nose in particles of all sizes from the microscopic to the rather large lumps of dried snot that can be so pleasant to watch small children retrieve and use as dietary supplements.
by freezing it
They are microorganisms.
No, protists are microorganisms. A shell most likely came from a mollusk.
The movie you are referring to is likely "Jumanji" or its sequel "Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle". In both movies, characters are transported into a jungle-themed video game and must navigate challenges to escape.
A synovial membrane is most likely found in joints, where it lines the joint cavity and produces synovial fluid to lubricate and nourish the joint structures.
Shout "Is there anybody there!!??"
The carbon source for these mantle diamonds is most likely carbon trapped.
The carbon source for these mantle diamonds is most likely carbon trapped.
I think its Chicago.
conductor or engineers
I think its Chicago.