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If your boyfriend says you're clingy it basically means that you want to be around him all the time and you can't give him the space he needs to do his own thing, clingyness is a major turn off and it happens to the best of us and it ends relationships all the time if we don't give each other the space we need, It's terrible but if you can try to ask him in what ways you are being clingy to him; for example if he says you text him too much then you should text him less frequently and let him get his business done because even you would like your space too wouldn't you? to relax do your hobbies you have a life and so does he and it's totally okay to really like your boyfriend and you know let him know you care and like him and stuff just try not to be on his case so much or else he'll end up getting annoyed and you definitely wouldn't like that. Try to find out in what ways you're being clingy Hope this helps (:

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