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the endothelium of CNS capillaries forms a blood-brain barrier

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Q: Many medications introduced into the bloodstream cannot directly affect the neurons of the CNS because?
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Intravenous injection allows contaminants to enter the bloodstream the quickest because the substance is directly injected into a vein, bypassing absorption barriers and quickly circulating throughout the body.

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Hormones are chemical substances secreted by endocrine glands directly into the bloodstream to regulate various physiological processes in the body.

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Because an endocrine glad does not have a tube through which it delivers hormone to the body. They just release their hormones into the space around the gland, which diffuse into the blood stream.

The fastest-acting method of injection is?

Intravenous (IV) injection is the fastest-acting method as it delivers the medication directly into the bloodstream for immediate effect.

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Fatty acids and monoglycerides are absorbed into the lymphatic system before entering the bloodstream. This is because they are too large to be absorbed directly into the blood vessels in the small intestine. The lymphatic system eventually empties into the bloodstream near the heart.

WhAT migraine medications are not a controlled susance?

Very few migraine medications are controlled substances. The only ones that are are the medications which only treat pain and are not geared directly toward migraine. It is much better to try the medications which ARE geared directly toward migraine, because only taking pain medications will simply cover up the pain instead of the aborting the migraine, and medication-overuse can expose you to rebound headache, which can cause transformed migraine due to medication-overuse, a version of Chronic Daily Headache. None of the triptans are controlled substances. None of the preventative medications (which are all blood pressure medications, anti-seizure medications, or anti-depressants, other words, in other categories) are controlled substances.

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Not many people do this because it's unpleasant and dangerous. The reason people do it is because your lungs release things directly into your bloodstream. So, by inhaling alcohol they get drunk without drinking. It's a very bad idea.

Is B12 lozenge better than pill?

Yes a B12 lozenge is better than a pill because it dissolves directly into your bloodstream if you suck on it. This will more than likely result in an increased feeling of energy.

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