hi, it's not prefered to brush teeth after any extraction, we must assure a good blood clotting in the surgical site. it's better to delay the brushing to the next day.
My doctor's directions were to wait 24 hours before brushing my teeth. I bought a baby toothbrush for the teeth directly next to the extraction site; this give better control so that the extraction site is not hit during the brushing process. Also, they say to "drool" out and NOT spit for 1 week following the extraction, as this may rupture the blood clot. The same is true for ALL mouthwashes - do NOT use. The 1 tsp salt in 1cup of luke warm water mixture is to be gently moved around the extraction site, by the tilting of the head - do NOT swish, as this may rupture the blood clot. It's best to wait about a week after the extraction to brush your teeth. 24 hours after the extraction you can rinse with warm water and salt. Do not swish but very gently move your head to move the water in your mouth. Its best to "drool" it out. Do not spit or swish as this can remove the blood clots and cause dry socket which is very very painful.
Stop brushing the teeth first. Then, pinch the nose getting the blood stopped. Put some ice on the back of the neck often helps too.
Obese people have an increased risk of thrombosis, which is a blood clot traveling through the body, after wisdom tooth extraction.
Blood clots generally form after your wisdom tooth extraction within thirty to sixty minutes.
no you will be fine
If your teeth are yellow, even after brushing, you should consider getting them whitened. Dentists provide whitening methods, or you could go to a local store to pick one up.
No hablo ingles
Your teeth will get rotten and fall out
because of the toothpaste you should not even eat after brushing youre teeth
whenever you have teeth i guess
No. It is never safe to drink any blood. If there is a disease in the blood, it will pass to you because there are always small cuts or openings in your mouth from regular things like brushing your teeth, flossing, etc. (Think about how you spit a little blood after brushing)