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Q: List of prescribed medicines and their uses?
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Related questions

How do you use the word medicines in a sentence?

The doctor prescribed the different medicines to his patient.

What is the Medicines Act 1968 amendments?

The Medicines Act 1968 governs the control of medicines for human and veterinary uses. It defines three categories of medicine, being prescription only medicine, pharmacy medicines and general sales list.

Is Valium prescribed by a vet the same as Valium prescribed by a medical doctor?

NO...medicines are prescribed by the patienties wight ...

Is it safe to give dogs medicines with an alcohol base?

Any medicines should be prescribed by a vet

Can a parolee live with a roommate on narcotic medicines?

There is nothing illegal about using a prescribed medicine (even if it is narcotic) and nothing illegal about living with a person who uses medicine. If, however, the medicine being used by this roommate has not been prescribed by a doctor, that is a problem.

What percentage of medicines used or prescribed are tablets and capsules?

well it will have to be 25

Can you Use expire in a sentence?

The prescribed medicines expire next month.

What mdicine that cause madness?

There are many medicines that may cause madness in individuals. If a person takes medicines that are not prescribed to them, they can cause severe side effects.

Are there medicines for infectious diseases?

There are many medicines for infectious diseases, too many to list.

Are the medicines that doctors prescribed drug-based and why?

Every medicine is a drugs

What is an official list of medicines called?


How do you distinguish medicines from drugs?

Assuming you're talking about illicit drugs... Medicines - are prescribed in a measured dose, for a specific condition - by a competent medical professional. Drugs - are any non-prescribed substance taken by a person to alter their normal mental state.