Well I have to pull weeds, sweep, mop, vacuum, clean the bathrooms and walk 3 dogs twice a day.
If a girl is 17 years old and the guy is 24 years old can they get married?
Peyton List is 12 years old.
Peyton Roi List's birthday ~ April 6, 1998 ~ 15 years old (2013) ~ 16 years old (2014) ~ 17 years old (2015) ~ 18 years old (2016) I love Peyton List
she is 23 years old
Peyton List is 14 years old. Her birthday is on April 6, 1998.
7 years old
1 year old
The girl in the poem "We are Seven" by William Wordsworth is eight years old.
The cute Peyton List is 13 years old. She was born April 6 1998. She is so cute.
Hans List was born on April 30, 1896 and died on September 10, 1996. Hans List would have been 100 years old at the time of death or 119 years old today.
Wilhelm List was born on May 14, 1880 and died on August 17, 1971. Wilhelm List would have been 91 years old at the time of death or 135 years old today.
this girl is 12 years old