There are many ways that bacteria is helpful to people. This includes promoting good bacteria growth, getting rid of bad bacteria, fighting off foreign substances and even helping get rid of illness.
Four ways bacteria interact with people are; 1.With human to human contact. 2.By putting germs in your mouth. 3.Mouth to Mouth contacts. 4.By having someone cough on you.
1 ) some (like in yogurt) eat bad things in your body 2)gets rid of oil spills3) helps clean gas spills4) decomposerWhat some people might not know, is that bacteria is helpful to the human body in numerous ways. Here I will list just 4 ways bacteria helps humans. (1) Certain types of bacteria live in the intestines of humans and they help in digestion and in destroying the harmful organisms. (2) Intestinal bacteria also produces some vitamins required by the human body. (3) There is bacteria that helps to break down lactose in the digestive tract. And lastly, (4) Bacteria on the skin helps to protect humans from different fungus. Bacteria is found everywhere, water, food, and air carries bacteria from one person to another. To keep the harmful bacteria away, remember that antibiotics are the number one killer of harmful bacteria. Always washing your hands with antiseptic soap helps to kill away the bad bacteria.
Yogurt, cheese, kimchi, and sauerkraut are all examples of foods that are produced with the assistance of bacteria through fermentation processes.
The four people that Michael must bring with him to save Walt are:JackHugoSawyerKateThose are the four people he must bring back with him.
nitrogen fixing bacteria bacteria of decay nitrifying bacteria denitrifying bacteria
The word bacteria has four syllables.
Bacteria in our digestive tract help break down food so that we can assimilate it. Bacteria in the soil help break down soil nutrients so that plants can assimilate it. Bacteria in milk help turn milk into cheese. (That's all I've got right now.)
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This I A Couple Of Words I Came Up With....... Sore More Door And Four Hope That These Words Are Helpful For U!!!!
The four main microbes are bacteria,proatozoa,virus and fungus
The four main microbes are bacteria,proatozoa,virus and fungus