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Language as a system of communication that enables humans to cooperate.

Humans use it to express objects in their environment.

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Q: Language as a tool of communication?
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language as a tool for communication

Language is a tool of communication?

Language is used in communtication to talk to other people without the use of sign language and/or grunting

How language is used as a tool for communication?

Well it's how one communicates. You use language to convey your ideas into text, and that is the basis of communication.

What is the connection of language to communication?

Language is a system of symbols and rules used to communicate meaning, making it an essential tool for communication. It enables individuals to share ideas, thoughts, and feelings through spoken or written words. Without language, effective communication would be challenging, if not impossible.

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Similarities between communication and language?

There aren't any, really. Language is simply a tool used for communication. It's HOW we communicated: by speaking in different languages to convey ideas to people who understand the same language as us.

Is body language communication or informative?

Body language is a form of nonverbal communication that can convey emotions, attitudes, and intentions. It serves as a powerful tool in understanding someone's true feelings and thoughts, often complementing or contradicting their verbal messages.

Why is there a need for English?

English is a very important tool in communication because a lot of nations are very familiar in this language.

Why is language is a social interactive tool?

Many different languages that may be considered interactive tools depends very much on which culture one is engaging in at the time. The most universal tool for social communication is technology. The internet has made the world a much smaller place and it has become a universal tool for exploring communication options. Language is an interactive tool because it is what closes the gap between people and nations.

English is referred to as the premier international language because?

English is considered the premier international language due to its widespread usage in communication, business, science, and diplomacy worldwide. It is commonly spoken as a second language and is the official language of many countries, making it a key tool for global communication and understanding.

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media is the most important communication tool