It isn't good... But cracking knuckles and other joints doesnt cause any damage. However if you crack your neck and back, there is a possibility of pinching a nerve or straining a muscle so be careful.
It might eventually cause some damage to the joint.
No it is perfectly fine. Some people say it causes arthritis and joint problems but those are myths. When you crack anything, it is releasing trapped fluids that your joints produce, and it makes a popping sound. It is not bad at all.
It's O.K. to crack your knuckles. Really, you're not cracking them, you are simply pulling the joint and when you get that sound, that's a gas that's being released. No trauma or damage to the joint is done.
when u crack ur ankle it is the nitrogen that you popo out of ur joint
No it is not bad at all. The cracking noise comes from a gas bubble in your joint. I have always cracked my joints for as long as I can remember and they always feel better after I crack them. To some people it is gross, but 25% of the United States have a habit of doing it.
You will only have a CV joint on your back axles if you have an independent rear suspension (and the rear wheel are drive wheels). If that is the case, look for a large crack in the rubber boot surrounding the joint.
Crack is bad because it can cause health problems, addition, and other problems.
you should to repair it by : - soldering .....() - Brazing ........ () - or cut flare joint and start new flare joint .
A joint is a crack in rock; a fault is a crack in rock along which the rocks have been displaced.
It was a joint effort between the United States and Colombia.
because you releasing the pressure in the joint which can can sometimes be painful
The fluid contains the gases oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide. When you pop or crack a joint, you stretch the joint capsule. Gas is rapidly released, which forms bubbles.