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Q: It is a systematized body of knowledge which are based on series of experiments?
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Why is logic considered science?

because it is a method of systematized body of tried and true knowledge which is concerned with the rectitude of reasoning. It follows a process of making a falsifiable hypothesis, testing this hypothesis with experiments and refining a new hypothesis based on the outcomes.

It is a systematized body of knowledge which are base on series of experimentations?

This could be referring to the scientific method, which is a systematic approach to studying the world through observation, experimentation, and analysis to develop new knowledge and theories. Scientists use this method to test hypotheses and draw conclusions based on empirical evidence.

What a science definition?

science- is a systematized body of knowledge based on careful observation and experimentation to searched the truth -came from latin word scire means to know

What is an explanation based scientific knowledge resulting from numerous observations and experiments?

a conclusion

What explanation is based on scientific knowledge resulting from numerous observations and experiments?

a conclusion

Scientific knowledge is based on?


What is the term for explanation based on scientific knowledge resulting from numerous observations and experiments?

Scientific theory

Definition of science and its method science?

Science is a systematic method of studying the natural world through observation, experimentation, and analysis to discover patterns and explanations for phenomena. The scientific method involves formulating hypotheses, testing them through experiments, and drawing conclusions based on empirical evidence. Its goal is to build a reliable body of knowledge that can be used to understand and predict natural phenomena.

Explanation based on scientific knowledge resulting from numerous observations experiments?

Scientific Theory! ------- Induction.. also it is made up of a... claim ,data ,and science knowledge

What is a testable statement that explains a series of observation called?

A hypothesis is a testable statement that explains a series of observations. It predicts what will happen in a given situation based on prior knowledge or experience. Scientists use hypotheses to guide their experiments and investigations to determine if their proposed explanation is supported by evidence.

Explanation based on scientific knowledge resulting from numerous observations and experiements?

Scientific knowledge is a body of information that has been generated through systematic observations, experiments, and analysis in order to better understand the natural world. This knowledge is based on evidence gathered through the scientific method, which involves making observations, forming hypotheses, conducting experiments, and analyzing results. Through this rigorous process, scientists can make predictions about natural phenomena and continuously refine their understanding of the world around us.

. It is a systemized body of knowledge based from the facts that can be obtained by observation and experimentation?

Science is a systematized body of knowledge gathered through carefully observing and measuring events.... This helps to measure the events. Science uses a combination of very precise observation and experimentation, logic and intuition, and then tries to understand the rules which predominate in this world...