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secondary lymphedema

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Q: It can be caused by cancer treatments burns or trauma?
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Can be cause by cancer treatments burns or trauma?


What is maxillofacial trauma?

Maxillofacial trauma refers to any injury to the face or jaw caused by physical force, foreign objects, or burns.

What causes damage to lymphatic vessels caused by cancer treatment surgery radiation scarring injuries or burns?

secondary lymphedema

What are the effects of nuclear weapon on humans?

A few are:vaporizationflash blindnessretinal burnsthermal flash skin burns anywhere from first to fourth degreeburns from secondary firescuts and trauma injury from flying debrissuffocation in shelter if firestorm removes oxygenradiation sicknessradiation poisoninginjuries caused by flying debrisanemia and leukemiavarious forms of cancer

What are the most common ailments of tongue?

Common ailments of the tongue are burns from hot liquids, thrust infections, oral cancer, cancer sores, and pain caused by dentures, braces or biting the tongue.

What can burns be caused from?

Burns are injuries to tissues caused by heat, friction, electricity, radiation, or chemicals.

What type of injury is a burn to the face?

Burns to the face are also categorized as maxillofacial trauma.

How does carpet cause carpet burns?

Carpet burns and their cousins, rope burns are caused by friction.

What causes purple burns on the skin?

Burns are caused by extremes of temperature. They are also caused by chemical reactions. The colour may vary according to the reaction.

When did Ronnie George Burns adopted son died?

Ronnie Burns died of cancer in November of 2007. He was 72.

What is the injuries to tissue caused by heat contact?


Injuries to tissue caused by heat contact?
