

Is your teeth poisonous

Updated: 9/19/2023
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Q: Is your teeth poisonous
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We can eat the full snake but not the head because the head has the poisonous teeth

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no blue belly lizards do not have teeth. they bite and they are not poisonous.

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because mercury is poisonous

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by putting on glue that is poisonous and sticking it on such that u will die

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no no big cat is poisonous unless it recently ate poisoness berries then the poison would be on their teeth but it would not matter since they would die shortly or get ill

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a sea serpent is venmous becouse it has poisonous teeth

Are all rats poisonous?

Rat's teeth are not envenomed like a venomous snake's teeth are. A wild rat bite however might bring all sorts of disease and infection with it, but all of these are things the rat is carrying, not part of the rat's own biology.

Will five lined skinks attack?

No, they are not, however they bite but it does not hurt because they have small teeth but it only feels like a pinch but no, they are not poisonous. plus, right now for a little laugh i had a skink under my refridgeorator and we had to pull it out and i had to carry it outside! lol

Does a cobra have teeth?

cobras do not have teeth they have fangs (sometimes they are poisonous) *facepalm* ALL snakes have teeth, some have teeth AND fangs. NO snake has just fangs. And ALL cobras are venomous (you do not mean poisonous)! They are all Elapids (i.e. they are proteroglyphous). There's also opisthoglyphous (rear-fanged). This fits many Colubrids, such as the Boomslang, the Parrot snake, the Lyre snake, and MANY more. And there's solenoglyphous (vipers' delivery system) as well as aglyphous-no fangs (pythons, most colubrids, boids, etc.).

What do you call a snake teeth?

The venom from most poisonous snakes comes out of their fangs.