Having high glucose levels can have harmfull effects. This is also the same if it is too low. If you suspect that your glucose levels are out of range, cunsult your physician as soon as possible. There are ways of preventing too high levels of glucose, which include (but not limited to) excercising, eating healthy etc. Please consult your doctor or physicial for best recomondations, cures and advice.
Wikipedia has a good overall summery of what glucose levels are and how glucose works around your body. If you're looking for a simpler definition NHS choices explains why, how and what may cause high blood glucose levels and how it may be treated.
Insuline and Glucagon control blood glucose. Insuline: brings down high levels of glucose. Glucagon: brings glucose levels back to normal, (brings glucose levels up).
If blood glucose levels are too high, the pancreas will secrete insulin. Insulin helps lower blood glucose levels by promoting the uptake of glucose into cells for energy production and storage.
Adipose tissue is dependent on plasma glucose levels for energy storage and regulation of metabolism. It can uptake glucose from the bloodstream and store it as fat when glucose levels are high.
Excessive diuresis withou high blood glucose levels
There are many reasons for high glucose levels. It usually indicates diabetes and can be caused by obesity, high alcohol consumption, lack of exercise and also stress.
Well, a healthy level of blood glucose wouldn't be too high or too low. Instead, it would be in the middle between high and low. Unhealthy levels of blood glucose would be an extremely high number.
High blood levels of glucose stimulate the release of insulin from the pancreas. Insulin helps to lower blood glucose levels by promoting the uptake of glucose by cells for energy production and storage.
The purpose of the glucose receptors is to detect blood glucose levels. The Islets of Langerhorn dispatch alpha cells to detect low blood glucose and beta cells to detect high blood glucose levels.
High glucose levels can and often do result in diabetes. It usually happens to those with obesity and can be avoided with a healthy balanced diet and regular exercise.
The answer is both Yes and No It is a yes because its glucose levels can quickly increase people's glucose levels. The high glucose levels are useful for activity such as exercising where people have enough energy. It is no because if the glucose that enters the person isn't burned (got rid of from exercising, etc), it will stay there and affect the person's health causing health problems such as diabetes or blood pressure.