since green is the combination of blue and yellow, adding more yellow to green would make it a yellow-green.
since green is the combination of blue and yellow, adding more yellow to green would make it a yellow-green.
Yes, yellow would go very well with camoflauged green. As green is a combination of blue and yellow, the yellow is "at home" with green.
A combination of red and green light can produce yellow light when they are mixed together. This is because yellow light is a combination of red and green light wavelengths.
I think yellow and green..... Malay ko sa inyo! magsawa kau
The combination of yellow and blue creates the color green.
blue and yellow
The combination of red, yellow, and green is commonly associated with traffic lights. Red signifies stop, yellow indicates caution, and green means go. This color combination is also often used in various flags representing different countries worldwide.
Yellow green is a combination of green and yellow in equal parts. THe green has to be half yellow and half blue. To mix it from primary colors you use 3 parts yellow and 1 part blue.