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Yes because if you think about it all are affected by it. Plants, animals, all kinds of life.

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Q: Is world hunger an environmental issue?
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Is hunger environmental problem?

no. because hunger is a human problem not an environmental problem.

How is gonorrhea a environmental issue?

It is not an environmental issue, it is a public health issue

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But it is water that is a major environmental issue.

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Sierra Club, Greenpeace and World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) promote environmental causes.

How does a water turbine pollute the world?

After it is manufactured, it does not. It may kill fish which could be an environmental issue, but it does not pollute.

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Yes, environmental degradation is a national issue because it affects ecosystems, natural resources, public health, and the economy within a country's borders. Governments play a crucial role in creating and enforcing policies to mitigate environmental degradation and promote sustainable practices.

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Garbage is the disposal of unwanted or undesired material or substance. It is an environmental issue.

Whcih issue oriented interest groups promotes environmental causes?

Sierra Club, Greenpeace and World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) promote environmental causes.

How environmental issue affected olympic game?

Environmental issue are subjects problem or controversies that relate to impairement or improvment for the zika.

Are the environmental issues in Venezuela Mexico and Brazil?

Yes. There are no countries in the world without environmental issues; air, water and soil pollution is a pervasive issue common to the human race.

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Most have an environmental officer aboard.

What types of interest groups are there?

economic issue, equality issue and environmental concerns