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Q: Is water from a well clean enough to drink?
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Why is clean water no available in some Kenyan cities?

They have no method to clean it well enough to drink it safely.

How is the water you drink clean?

water is very clean cause they clean it very well

Why does linh keep hitting me?

maybe you didn't drink enough water or did not sleep well

How aquifers are polluted?

by adding things that are not supposed to be in there.wecan drink the water in an aquifer if they clean it very well!

Is the water safe to drink in Costa Rica?

Yes , water is safe to drink throughout the whole country, some well water may not be safe to drink in very distant out of the way places, unless boiled.

Is tap water really clean?

it all deppends on the water source, like the water in Mexico is not safe to drink it wont kill you just make you very sick. if you have well water chances are that it may be safe but if are around industral plants then it would not be safe to drink some chemicals can seep thought the ground and into the well. if you have city water it is safe i have it and drink it all the time. some city's add chemical to clean the water and make it safe to it is not

Is well water safe for babies?

Only if you've had a sample pass a biological test and know it's clean. Otherwise, do not drink it.

What is the use of newwater in Singapore?

NewWater is recycled drinking water. They come from toilets. Don't worry, though. They make sure it's treated well enough to drink. It's clean. Some Singaporeans refuse to drink it. Therefore, the Singapore government decide to connect it to the pipes. NewWater will now be sent to the toilets. People still drink it.

Does Madagascar have clean water?

well i think madagascar does not have clean water

Does well water get polluted?

Yes, well water can become polluted from various sources such as agricultural runoff, leaking septic tanks, industrial waste, or naturally occurring contaminants like arsenic or radon. Regular water quality testing is recommended for well owners to ensure the water is safe to drink.

Why is clean water good for us?

clean water is good for us because if we drink dirty water it will get mixed up with our food and you will have a tummy ache. some people die because of dirty water and its something our body doesn't get along with so well . and also dirty water has dirt and lots of nasty things in but clean water is pure and it helps you live!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Where to get water besides dams?

Well you can get water from pretty much every where. But to find clean water to drink is hard. Water from lakes, rivers, and you can check its cleanness(?) by checking its color or living thing in the water. Hope it helped!