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When heated, PVC can leach small quantities of formaldehyde, sometimes lead. These fumes usually don't get inside, but if they do can cause plenty of problems, as in the case of the FEMA trailers for Katrina evacuees. Vinyl siding can be very dangerous in a fire, however, releasing hydrochloric acid fumes! Please look at this article:

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What are the benefits of alcoa vinyl siding?

Alcoa vinyl siding is both durable and affordable while providing a moisture barrier to your home. You can locate information on alcoa vinyl siding at

Is plastic siding cheeper than vinyl siding?

There the same thing. Vinyl siding is a PVC plastic resin siding.

House Siding?

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What kind of materials are used in house siding?

Siding can come in a variety of materials. The most common today is aluminum and vinyl siding. There are no dangerous chemicals that could make your child sick used.

Is vinyl siding can be fastened directly into studs?

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What is factory finish on vinyl siding?

Factory finish is the finish, or "outer coat of the vinyl siding", that comes on the vinyl siding when you purchase it. It can come in many shades of color and textures.

What are some good colors to paint vinyl siding of a house?

One thing you should know is that at this point there is not one paint company that guarantees their paint staying on vinyl siding. Generally if the vinyl siding is looking dingy you can get a power washer and clean them off to look basically new again. If you would like to learn the best way to paint on vinyl siding I would check out

where to buy vinyl siding in color?

You can buy colored vinyl siding usually at the same place where you get the regular normal siding. Or Lowes and Home Depot where they also sell siding.

What are some well-rated vinyl siding companies?

A rather high reputed vinyl siding company is the Vinyl Siding Institute. They have been complimented and reported on in magazines such as "GreenBuilder" and "Home Energy".