The urea in urine is poisonous so don't drink large amounts of urine.
Urine is deadly poisonous if unchecked regulaily it can mould and infect the bladder.
probably, i wouldn't go drinking it.
Urotoxin is a term used to describe toxins that affect the urinary system. When urotoxin is suspected, it means there may be a poisonous substance present that can harm the kidneys, bladder, or other parts of the urinary system.
No, some frogs are not poisonous and yes, some frogs are poisonous.Specifically, some frogs can secrete bufotoxins which target a potential predator's or prey's nervous tissue. The toxic substance may be found stored in the skin on the anuran's back, neck and shoulders. It will be far more commonly found in salamanders and toads than in frogs (Dendrobatoidea superfamily).
urine. Urotoxin refers to toxic substances or waste products that are present in urine which could potentially cause harm if ingested or absorbed by the body. It is important to identify and eliminate sources of urotoxin to prevent health issues.
idk, but it's found in pee :( yes it is poisonous, but the kidney can filter it out of the blood and put it in urine (which comes out of the body), but i dont know why its dangerous :S
Urine is produced by the kidneys to remove waste and excess substances from the body, including urea, salts, and water. If urine is not eliminated from the body, these waste products can build up and lead to health problems like urinary tract infections or kidney stones. It is important to remove urine regularly to maintain a healthy balance of fluids and waste products in the body.
Your Kidneys are two organs inside your ribcage that filter waste from your blood as well as water you drink.
No Tree frogs are not poisonous. however some rain forest tree frog species such as the (poison)dart frog are poison but unless you live in the rain forest any species you come across are not poisonous...
A poisonous mushroom is a poisonous mushroom
A poisonous mushroom is a poisonous mushroom