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Q: Is urination during precum dangerous
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What receptors are stimulated during urination?

Nerve receptors are stimulated during urination. This stimulation occurs when the walls of the bladder contract and the urination reflex is automatically activated.

Symptoms of uti in men?

Burning sensation during urination, frequent urination, blood in urine.

Is it dangerous if you have blood in your urine and it is painful when you pass urine?

Blood in your urine is not dangerous per se but requires evaluation, especially when accompanied with pain during urination. This could be something as common as a Urinary Tract Infection or as painful as a Kidney Stone.

Is it normal to precome during passionate kissing but still being flaccid?

I'd say yes. It's not really a precum but the lubricant that helps the semen slide without friction during ejaculation. Some people call it precum but it contains no semen at all... only lube. =)

Can trichomoniasis cause painful urination?

Yes; pain during urination is a symptom of chlamydia.

Is painful urination normal during pregnancy?

Painful urination is not common to pregnancy, however, urinary tract infections are and those can cause painful urination. regardless you need to be seen by a doctor.

What causes Burning and bleeding during urination?

Uti Possibly

How often do you frequent urination during pregnancy?

every after 30 mins

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Can I get pregnant from pre-ejaculation fluid?

Hello, No doubt, the answer of your question is yes. You can get pregnant with precum, that is pre-ejaculation fluid that comes from the male genital organ during coitus. Precum is itself a part of sperm, so it can get a girl pregnant. Protections are used by couples, but protections are not always safe. So, before coitus, you should always have knowledge about the precum. Some women said that, he pulled out that time or released on my thighs or stomach, but the thing is, you can also get pregnant by doing this, because precum is there. So, always be careful about it.

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What are the symptoms of urethritis?

Symptoms of urethritis may include pain or burning during urination, increased frequency of urination, urethral discharge, and itching or irritation in the genital area. It can be caused by both bacterial and viral infections, as well as certain sexual practices. Prompt medical evaluation and treatment are important to prevent complications and spread of infection.