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Q: Is urinary frequency part of fight or flight response?
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What is the urinary system reaction to the fight or flight response?

there is no reaction. the two systems wouldn't affect each other when your body goes into a flight or fight mode it releases hormones adn those hormones do many things but would have any direct affect on the urinary system.

What is the other name for fight or flight response?

The other name for the fight or flight response is the acute stress response.

Which stage in stress response does the fight or flight response occur?

The ALARM response

What causes the fight or flight response?

The fight or flight response is triggered by the release of stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol in response to a perceived threat or danger. This response prepares the body to either confront the threat (fight) or escape from it (flight) in order to ensure survival.

What is responsible for the fight or flight response?

The adrenal medulla is responsible for the fight-or-flight response. It releases a hormonal cascade that results in the secretion of epinephrine and nonrepinephrine.

Who first described the fight or flight response?

Walter Cannon, a harvard physiologist, first investigated the fight or flight response in 1927.

What drugs create fight or flight response?


Can cold trigger the fight or flight response?


Does stress trigger a fight or flight response?


What hormone aids in the fight or flight response?


Why do you jump when you get a fright?

It is the old fight or flight response.

What hormone aids in fight or flight response?

The hormone that aids in the fight or flight response is adrenalin. Adrenalin is secreted by the adrenal medulla and makes the heart beat faster.