amp ? its ULCER not ULSER .. ,, for me ULCER cause by too much eating .. no proper diet ..
An ulser is an exsposed nerve.
ulser and this youth are not eating properly and getting stomach pain offen and that leads to ulser .......and most of them are addict for smoking and alcoholic habits and that causes cancer and lung diseases .........
Most ulcers are caused by a bacteria called Helicobactor pylori (H. pylori). If you were diagnosed with an ulcer caused by H. pylori hopefully your doctor gave you antibiotics to treat this, if not get checked. An ulcer can not be spread but H. pylori can.
nothing. she just said that it maybe caused by his over-eating?
Yes it does , it may hurt but is helps :D
pellegra was caused by mostly bad eating
Indigestion is pain and discomfort in the abdomen. It is caused by eating certain foods that your body does not agree with. It can happen while you are eating or shortly after you stop eating.
an ulser or growth
over harvesting of plankton eating whales
Are you stupid? Eating too much salt is caused by eating salty foods..
Bloating, nausea and stomach pain could be caused by a food intolerance, a gastrointestinal infection or simply by over-eating.