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Q: Is trichoderma bad to human body?
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What eats the human body after death?

Bad bacteria.

Trichoderma viride as a Biofungicide to Postharvest Mango Anthracnose?

Yes, trichoderma viride can be used a s a biofungicide to control Anthracnose in postharvest Mango. Ideally you can create trichoderma baths and run the mango crop through them. Or spray onto the crop just before harvesting.

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water is heathy and has no sugar because sugar is bad for your body

Is lard bad for the human body?

yea lard is pure fat

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Not without bad consequences. These require an element in the free state. Any of those in the human body will be very bad.

Why radiation workers are higher dose exposure limitsis this good or bad?

Radiation is in fact bad for the human body.

What is trichoderma?

Trichoderma species are non-pathogenic fungi often found in soil as well as in association with plants. These green colored fungi are well known for their anti-fungal and/or plant-growth-stimulating effects.For these reasons, several strains of Trichoderma have been developed into biological control products that are used all over the world to combat fungal plant diseases on various crops. Most of these biological control products are from the species Trichoderma harzianum, T. viride and T. atroviride.

If a human body temperature is 39.6 is this good or bad?

The average human body temperature is 98.6 oF or 37 oC. 39.3 in degree Celsius or degree Fahrenheit? If it is 39.3 oF then it is very very low and if it is 39.3 oC(102.74 oF) then you are suffering from fever. In the case of 39.3 oF human is dead. There are no records of such a low temperature of human body.

Is meat bad for the human body?

Yes and no if you like it it is good if you dont like it it is bad. you have the choice and decision to eat red meat and ehther it is good for the human body

How are blue-green bacteria helpful?

They help kill bad baceria in your human body.