No,No he doesn't
Yes, Yes he doesPlease get your facts before posting
he was in fact.
No. Ironically, his last name is Rhodes - no relation to Dusty either. The storyline though would have had you believe by implication that he was Dick Murdoch's son. At one time there was talk of a Cody Rhodes - Trevor Murdoch tag team - a new version of the famous Texas Outlaws team of Dusty Rhodes and Dick Murdoch.
He turned down the new Contract offered him after his last one was up.
Billy Murdoch played in the first ashes series in 1882 so yes he is dead.
yes cm punk is still wrestling
Trevor McDonald is still alive.
No she isn't wrestling anymore but still loves it.
No, he is not wrestling for WWE anymore.
He hasn't he is still wrestling with TNA
You still say it WRESTLING.