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It depends on who you ask.

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Meta Hirthe

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It depends on who you ask.

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Q: Is tourism a good thing or a bad thing?
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Is tourism a good or bad thing in Latin America?

It depends on who you ask.

Was Mount Everest been affected by tourism?

Mount Everest has been affected by tourism over the years. The bad thing about it is the amount of rubbish that climbers/hikers leave behind. The good thing is that tourism brings in much needed money for the local people.

Positive and Negatives of tourism in Australia?

Tourism in Australia is a good thing because it generates a lot of income for Australian towns. The bad thing about it is that many people end up getting injured from snakes, scorpions, and other wildlife.

Is the benefit a good thing or a bad thing?

Benefit is good thing. Its good compared to bad.

Is A positive thing good or bad?

A positive thing is good and a negative thing is bad .

What were the effects of tourism on Mexico?

tourism have kill a lot of peolple and is a bad thing that is happening right now at mexico and no body can't help

Is tourism nice?

It depends on who your asking, for some it is good and some its bad.

What are the good and bad economic impact of tourism?

Tourism has a few good and bad impacts. Some of the good are that it results in more jobs, makes the economy better and it is a chance to meet new people. A few of the bad things are inflated prices, noise and privacy issues.

What is a topic sentence good for?

what is the good thing anout polio? and what is the bad thing? what is the good thing anout polio? and what is the bad thing?

Social effect of tourism?

There are good and bad social effects of tourism. A good effect is that there will be money to spend on public facilities and festivals. A bad effect is that the city may become overcrowded and lead to increased crime.

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Are zoos a good thing or bad thing?

good thing