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Q: Is tizanidine 4 mg stronger than cyclobenzaprine 10mg?
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What is the difference between cyclobenzaprine 10mg and cyclobenzaprine HCL 10 mg?

Cyclobenzaprine and cyclobenzaprine HCl are the same medication. "Cyclobenzaprine 10mg" and "cyclobenzaprine HCl 10mg" both refer to the same drug, which is a muscle relaxant used to treat muscle spasms and pain. The "HCl" in the second term stands for hydrochloride, which is the salt form of the drug.

What is stronger 10 mg or 50 mg?

50mg of a medication is stronger than 10mg of the same medication.

Is 10mg stronger than 200mcg?

Yes, if you mean is 10mg more weight than 200mcg. 10mg is equal to 10,000mcg so by weight 10mg is 50 times heavier than 200mcg. The way you word your question is a bit confusing though. I am not totally sure what you mean by "stronger". I hope you really meant "more", in which case I answered your question.

Is lortab 10 stronger than a lorcet plus?

Yes. They are both comprised of the narcotic hydrocodone. A lortab10 is 10mg and lorcet plus is 7.5.

Is cyclobenzaprine an antihistamine?

It is structurally and functionally closer to an Anti-Depressant than an anti-histamine.

What is pill tl 177?

Cyclobenziprine 10mg muscle relaxer but it is not a narcotic and does not have any euphoria. If anything this pill is as close to benedryl than anything else.

What strength does methadone come in?

10mg of Methadone is equivalent to 5micrograms of Fetanyl. Fetanyl is tremendously stronger than Methadone. Fetanyl is measured in micrograms, Methadone in mg.... hope this helped...

How strong is oxycodone Hcl 10mg?

It's pretty strong. It has a lot of Tylenol in it. And since Oxycodone is a stronger narcotic than that of Hydrocodone or Codeine, it is a pretty strong strength.

Will Tizanidine mess you up?

Yes tizanidine (Zanaflex) is extremely intoxicating. Start at the smallest possible dose of 1mg and GRADUALLY, over time, increase by increments of 1mg per dose. The max recommended dose is 24mg per day. You should not take an amount larger than 8mg at one time and not more than three times a day.You do not want to overdose on this medication, doing so can cause respiratory depression, coma and death.WARNING: Do not combine tizanidine with Luvox, the combination is contraindicated! Do not combine tizanidine with birth control pills. Both will seriously boost the effect of tizanidine. Especially Luvox.

Can you take cyclobenzaprine for a sprained ankle?

Cyclobenzaprine is a muscle relaxant that can help relieve muscle spasms and tightness associated with muscle strains and injuries, including a sprained ankle. However, it is important to consult with a healthcare provider before taking any medication to ensure it is appropriate for your specific situation and to determine the correct dosage.

Is 4mg of Dilaudid equal to 40mg of Oxycontin?

80 mg Oxycontin is by far stronger than 10mg of vicodin(hydrocodone). I am not sure the exact times stronger but I had almost like a foot reconstruction surgery and took 10/650 vicodin and the 650 is 650mg of Tylenol and it barely touched the pain and then was given a 80mg of Oxycontin and it took away my pain for about 4-5 hours, but the point is 80 mg of Oxycontin is way stronger than 10mg of vicodin.

What is stronger the Methadone 10mg or Methadone 5mg?

The answer is yes AND no. Yes because it has a much longer half-life than hydrocodone (it lasts much longer and stays in the sytem longer), but also no because hydrocodone has a stronger euphoric effect. You get more of a "high" from hydrocodone than methadone. But to answer your specific question, is not really possible because they are very different and effect people differently. If you have never taken methadone before and do not have a tolerance for opiates, that a methadone 10mg would be stronger and would get you "higher", but for people with more tolerance a vicodin 10mg(which is hydrocodone) would get you more of a "high". Problem is Methadone will stop giving the euphoric effect within a week, while you will get high off 10mg Vicodin's for maybe a month or 2 before building tolerance and needing more.