Yes, it is.
Well, maybe I should clarify: if you eat something poisonous, and it makes you sick and you throw up, that's usually a good thing, because it's getting the poisonous material out of your system.
But if you're throwing up to lose weight, yes, that's always bad.
bad booster pump or air in brake lines
Yes. Different people have different side effects to certain drugs. I would say it could be bad.
It all depends on what you are throwing away - healthy food or junk food. If you throw out healthy food and eat only junk then doing so is very bad for you.
She says 1 or 2 bad words every once in a while but no she is not bad.
The superstition of throwing salt over your (left) shoulder came about because people once believed the Devil stood behind your left shoulder waiting for you to make a mistake or to influence you into making a mistake. Spilling salt, which was once used as part of a Roman soldier's salary and hence as money was believed to not only be wasteful, but bad luck. Throwing some of the spilled salt over your left shoulder would be throwing it into the Devil's eyes, thus blinding him to your mistake.
I'm sure everybody has done something bad once in a while. The only notable thing that Jordan was hooked on was gambling in the 90s.
Had this problem with my '87. I believe it was a bad fuel injector.
Throwing it in a pool.
A bad timing belt could make the engine shut down but it would only happen once, not sometimes.
You shouldn't have any bad effects if you only smoked once. It's not that serious.
throwing away plasic causes the environmental habits to suffer
Too many sugary foods is bad but once in a while is ok. Most food is ok for your teeth.