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no it is not you can die from it everytime you do can go on a bad trip and walk around town ex. run in front of a train without knowing.

it is also not safe becuause the thing that gets you high in it can have various amounts of that substance(forgot what it is called)if it has to much you will od and die.

Please, do not post answers if you are only going to make stuff up. Psilocybin (magic) mushrooms have a lower toxicity than aspirin. The only danger to eating magic mushrooms is if you decide to do something dangerous (i.e. driving while tripping)

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Q: Is this a safe to eat magic mushroom?
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Depends on the mushroom. If you mean the type used as a drug, no. A mushroom you use in cooking wouldn't hurt.

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Identify the mushroom. WITHOUT A DOUBT! Look it up in a good book. Eat it if it is safe to do so. Many mushrooms can be made less toxic by boiling them in water and discarding the water (maybe a couple of times) but not all!

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No, magic mushroom spores are illegal in Alabama. Possession, sale, and cultivation of psilocybin spores, the main component in magic mushrooms, are prohibited in the state.

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There are many type of fungus i.e. the field mushroom is a fungus which is safe to eat - not all mushrooms are

Does a doctor test for magic mushrooms?

No, doctors do not generally test for magic mushroom use.