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Q: Is theres a bad effect's of eating a singkamas?
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Bad breath

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They make you poop.

Is eating a cricket bad?

There are people around the world that enjoy eating crickets. There are no known bad side effects that has been reported as a result of eating crickets.

What are the side effects of eating an onion?

Bad breath. Nothing else though

Bad effects of eating too many popsicles?

Who cares. Live life.

You are eating slate pencils from your childhood now you are 24yrs old is that leads to side effects?

very bad effect.

Should sunflower seeds be swallowed?

Theres not really any problem doing it after i do it my throat feel funny but not really any bad side effects

What are the effects of bad eating habits?

gets fat Bad eating habits gradually erode the digesting system and in the long run obesity,gastic ulcer, sleep disorder may become permanent companion in life.

What is the bad effect of eating snails?

There are multiple bad effects of eating snails including serious poisoning from the unknown exposure of the outside world the snail endured unless purified and cleaned before cooked or fried and is strongly not advised.

What has the benefits or its bad effects of eating orange seeds?

Eating orange seeds might be hazardous if one is prone to choking. The seed will not harm the body and may have a good taste.

What are the bad effects of bad eating?

fatigue, Obesity, slower reaction, slower brain funtion, pretty much all the bad things. At the end, it will shorten your life span.

What is the good effects of volcanic eruption?

Volcanic eruptions contribute to the formation of new land through the deposition of lava and ash. They also enrich the soil with minerals, supporting the growth of vegetation. Finally, volcanic activity can contribute to the release of gases that may help regulate the Earth's atmosphere.