oh yes there is.I remember once i went on a feild trip to a honey shop and we could pick any sample of honey, and one of my friends got a clear one,
Bee can get honey 2 to 3 times a year. Honey from bees are a seasonal thing.
Honey is clear as water and dark as molasses ! So honey is transparent 🍯 Hope all of you understand
While honey has many antiseptic properties, it will not clear your face. If you have a skin problem go and see a qualified medical practitioner (a Doctor) about it, there is much that can be done to help.
Honey, Blackberries, Clear Spirit
Raw honey is far more delicious! It is cloudier and may contain crystals. Raw honey still contains the propolis and royal jelly. Processed honey is clear amber color.
They can sting.
there is no such thing, but there is a clear bell
There is no such thing as clear meat.
Yes, the honey ant has a jello like substance protecting the abdomen. Other ants don't have this and that is how the honey ant got its name.