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Q: Is there such thing as big boned?
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Is there a such thing as big boned?

Yes I believe so. However, fat is fat. Go work out if your fat. But some people ARE big boned.

Is there such a thing as big or small boned?

Yes, some people have large frames and some have small frames, this can also be a big or small boned person.

How do you find a boyfriend when you are big boned?

define 'big boned'? Jocks? You need a guy more 'big boned' than you are.

I am big boned and 5'9 can i ever weigh 110?

There is no such thing as being big boned. Yes you can weigh 110 pounds, I dont know if that would be the right size for you, but with diet and exercise it is possible. I would maybe try for 140 pounds.

What does popped the chubbier mean?

It means you tapped the fatty. Boned the big-boned girl.

Can cats be big boned?

yes, they can.

Is 'big boned' a real condition?


What is bbw girls?

Big Boned Women

Why do guys like big boned girls?

Well some guys like some thing they can grab on to. They find it more fun and interesting

How can you tell if you are fat or big boned?

One way to tell if you are overweight is by measuring your body mass index (BMI). Being big boned may contribute to a higher weight but does not necessarily mean you are overweight. Consulting a healthcare professional can help provide more accurate guidance on whether you are overweight or just have a larger frame.

Am i big boned if i wiegh 124 pounds and my height is 5'6?

no lol im big boned i way 180 lbs and im 5'7 but im not really fat

Does being big boned means I'm fat?

No. It doesn't.