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I just read that scientists worldwide will be looking for

genetic mutations (i.e.: DNA "mistakes") associated with


What a waste of time and money. We already have the

answer to 99% of cancer. It's all in what we put in our

mouths, which creates a toxic environment for cancer to

grow and thrive. Simple.

If you doubt what I'm saying, take a quick look at the

last 100 years of US history:

The year 1900: Cancer caused only 3 out 100 deaths in the

US. Breast cancer was basically unheard of.

- Food manufacturers began developing "better living

through chemistry" products like artificial sweeteners

(saccharin), taste additives (MSG), partially hydrogenated

vegetable shortening and margarine.

- Refined white sugar (acid and fat on a spoon) replaced

molasses as the leading sweetener in the American diet.

1911: A grain-milling process was discovered that strips

away the germ and outer layers of wheat grain (where the

nutrients are). The result: Nutrient-poor, acid-creating

white bread and refined white flour.

1921: General Mills invented a character named Betty

Crocker to convince Americans to eat more processed foods

(and increase the company's stock value).

1935: Only one case of cancer had been reported in the

last 50 years by the Inuit (Eskimo) people of Alaska and

Canada. After they began eating processed foods, their

cancer rate exploded until it equaled that of the US by the


1938: From now until 1990, the avera ge male sperm count

will drop by nearly half, and testicular cancer will triple.

1949: After being unheard of 49 years ago, the breast

cancer rate is now 58 out of every 100,000 women.

1950: From now to the year 2000, the overall cancer rate

will go up 55%. (Lung cancer due to smoking is only 1/4 of

that.) Breast and colon cancer will go up 60%, brain

cancer 80% and childhood cancer will increase 20%.

1970: Americans spend $6 billion on fast food. By 2001,

that will skyrocket to $110 billion.

1971: The US Congress declares its "War on Cancer" which

has done virtually nothing to stop the growing rates of

cancer in the US in the next 30+ years.

- The US Department of Agriculture wrote "An Evaluation of

Research in the US on Human Nutrition; Report No. 2,

Benefits From Nutrition Research" which blamed the lack of

nutrients in the American diet for most major health

problems. That report was banned from public view for 21

years, reportedly at the insistence of the processed food


1973: From now to 1991, prostate cancer will go up 126%.

1982: Teenage boys drink twice as much milk as soda. By

2002, they will be drinking twice as much soda as milk.

1990: From now to 2005, over 120,000 new processed foods

will be developed to join the 320,000 processed foods

already on the store shelves.

2000: Cancer is now the cause of 20 out of 100 of all

deaths in the US, compared to just 3 out of 100 in 1900.

2001: Americans spend $110 billion a year on fast food.

Every single day, 1 out of 4 Americans eats at least one

meal in a fast food restaurant.

2005: Breast cancer, which was extremely rare back in

1900 and only affected 58 out of 100,000 women in 1949, now

strikes 1 in 3 women in the US. That means that in just 55

short years, it has gone up 568 times what it was. Scary.

Must be a virus, huh? Or our DNA has changed a lot, huh?

Momma Mia...

History speaks for itself. If you want to be alive into

your golden years and stay pain and disease-free, stay the

hell away from processed foods of any kind. That includes

boxed, bagged, canned or jarred foods, fast food, soda and

bottled sweetened drinks.

Jack La Lanne (who is 93, but looks about 70) has an easy

rule. Here it is: "If man made it, don't eat it."

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12y ago

It is a logical assumption that people died of cancer without knowing they had cancer. Better screening and diagnosis have most certainly made it more recognized and more tratable. So, 100 years ago cancer probably did exist at levels as high as they are today...people just didn't know that was what they had.

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8y ago

No. It was called other things and not seen as cancer. Our ability to spot cancer in the last 40 years has become so much better. Scientists look at it in differently than they did a 100 years ago.

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