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As far as I know, there is no cure for this disorder. My Brother-in-law's friend Jim has it and he says he will have it for life.

Sometimes it just goes away in the late teen years. That happened to me. However, I think marijuana might have been what cured it. I smoked once and the tics dropped to about once a month. I smoked again and after that I didn't tic any more. Someone should do a survey of the small percentage of people with Tourette's who lost Tourette's and see how many were smoking marijuana around the time it stopped.

I suffer from Tourette's myself and I have scanned the wasteland for anything that can help me.

There is no full cure as of yet, but these methods are your best bet.

Results are as follows:


Mostly Dopamine blockers like Haloperidol and Risperidone.

They do work for some people but the side effects are normally just as debilitating as Tourettes.

Drowsyness is the most occurring.

Complex Surgery:

Other than medication there is not much, there has been a treatment performed that is

currently not approved, it involves implanting electrodes in the brain and using a high and tuned frequency to regulate the brains electronic impulses, keeping the abnormal impulses shorted and the normal ones to do their thing. Its the same treatment they use for Parkinsons Disease and Dystonia/Tremors.

Its called Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS).

The trials are still underway, but all sufferers that have had the treatment have reported an improvement of near 100%, that's a good enough cure for me, but, as always, side effects should be looked up.

Hello, I also have TS. Medication only screwed me up more. But then i tried a yeast free, sugar free diet. My symptoms have decreased dramatically. Diet is the best solution.

Definitely! Sugar and caffeine are horrible for people with Tourette's. I was taken completely off cokes and sweets for a few months and my symptoms almost went away completely. but I'm a college student now so that didn't last long. Also, my mother always noticed when I was lying because the stress of hiding something from her would make my tics worse.

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13y ago
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11y ago

The treatments for Tourettes are as follows:

  • treatments that do not involve taking medication - relaxation and behavioural therapy
  • medication - the three types of medication that may be prescribed are alpha2-adrenergic agonists, muscle relaxants and dopamine antagonists
  • surgery - in very rare, severe cases, there are some surgical procedures available
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15y ago

I don't know, but I just saw an amazing thing on Nova. Dr. Oliver Sacks is a renowned psychiatrist and he talks about music and the mind. One segment was about a drumming group for people with tourette's. As soon as they start drumming, nobody twitches. They all keep the beat with no stray movements. Might be worth a look.

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15y ago

Tourette's syndrome has so many different aspects that no one medicine exists for all. Normally, it is broken down an a specific medicine is given for specific aspects. If that does not work then a Neurologist usually tests for a number of other issues first.

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13y ago

Tourette Syndrome can be treated, but cannot be cured. Tourettes can be treated by medicine, making the tics less noticeable and less frequent. If tics are severe enough, the sufferer may consider DBR (deep brain stimulation) this is a surgery that yet again, will not cure tourettes, but will make it less noticeable.

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14y ago

Yes, there are several medications used to treat Tourette's Syndrome. Haldol, Catapress, and Clonidine all help to minimize symptoms.

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4y ago
Catapress is clonidine. 

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16y ago

No. Mental and emotional problems are not treated surgically unless they involve tumors.

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15y ago

i would say a (DBS) Deep Brain Stimulation. i heard it cures it. im thinkin about getting it done

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Can people with tourettes control cursing outbursts?

No they have no control over their tics

Can people with tourettes control their launage?

not if the swearing is part of their tic. everything about tourettes is involuntary. there really is no way to control it. you can try to condition yourself into saying different words. i have successfully done it once

Does Megan Fox have tourettes?

Yes, Megan Fox does indeed have tourettes. She often tics or swears uncontrollably during interviews, but she is learning to cope with it and possibly control it.

Is it dangerous to be in a relationship with a person with Tourette's Syndrome?

No, not at all. Tourettes Syndrome is not dangerous at all. Someone with tourettes has occasional "tics" where their body jerks or they say something they don't mean to say. It is very difficult to control tourettes and scientists have only recently begun discovering how to help someone with tourettes other than using medication. Just because someone has a disability, it does not mean they are "dangerous" or "dangerous to be in a relationship with". They definitely should not be treated differently because they have a disability. Most people with disabilities are more sensitive or caring than those without disabilities. Whoever told you it is dangerous to be in a relationship with a tourettes sufferer has broken the law (Disability Discrimination).

Does tourettes cause the eyes to roll into the back of the head?

I'm still trying to find that that out myself! Son of 14 has tourettes but think the eyes may-be a side effect of the medication as it's happening every 3 days.

When was Tourettes - band - created?

Tourettes - band - was created in 2000.

Does Gordon Ramsay have tourettes?

No Gordon Ramsay doesn't have Tourettes.

Are Children with tourettes syndrome entitled to disability benefit?

If they are not they should be without question. If a child has been properly diagnosed with Tourettes they should be entitled. I am the mother of a child who suffers severly from touretes and OCD , Rage, Anxiety, Depression- All related to the tourettes. Tourettes makes the simple everyday things difficult and not to mention the social issues related . I worry if my son will ever be able to live on his own and be self sufficient later in life. Therapy and treatment such as medication and camps which could be very theraputic can be very expensive.

What does anticholingergic medication control?

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What are the release dates for The Tourettes Guy - 2005 Lotto Numbers 1-5?

The Tourettes Guy - 2005 Lotto Numbers 1-5 was released on: USA: 2005

Can you somewhat control emphysema with medication?

In the early stages of emphysema, you can control it with medication, but eventually the patient requires oxygen rather than medication.

What systems does tourettes syndrome attack?

Tourettes Syndrom is a condition in the Nervous System