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Q: Is there anything you can do to prevent waking up in the choking and gasping for breath?
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How can you make an interesting sentence using I was gasping for breath?

The interesting sentence can say "why" you were gasping for breath, or what happened while you were gasping. "As I was gasping for breath in the smoke-filled hallway, a burly firefighter threw me to the floor and pushed an oxygen mask over my face."

What does gasping?

To breath fast or sharply

What is it called to breath quickly and loudly gasping for breath?

hyperventilating possibility ?

What does baby doves gasping mean?

Pet birds, especially babies, can easily choke on liquids or small pieces broken off of a bird toy. A bird that is choking will show difficulty swallowing, it may be gasping for breath, or it may be opening the beak with an exaggerated motion and attempting to regurgitate or gag.

Is choke a onomatopoeia?

Yes, "choke" is considered an onomatopoeia because it imitates the sound associated with the action of choking or gasping for breath. The word itself sounds like the sound someone might make while struggling to breathe.

What is an antonym for suffocate?

choking, Cannot breath

What Happens if there were not enough plants on earth?

We would all be very hungry and gasping for breath.

When you cant breath because you are choking what is this called?

When you can't breathe because you are choking, it is called choking or a choking incident. Choking occurs when there is a blockage in the airway that prevents airflow, leading to difficulty breathing. Immediate intervention such as the Heimlich maneuver may be necessary to dislodge the obstruction.

What does it mean if a snake crawls on you and leaves you gasping for breath?

it means you're in f***ing ausstralia

What does the choke signal mean?

This is problebly one of the most STUPIDEST questions i have answerd but it means that someone is choking or cant breath. i would suggest the himleck menover. The Other answer: If Dude has his hands over his throat, that's the choking sign. He'll probably be gagging and turning blue. The choking sign doesn't mean anything except that Dude is choking (analyze the name!). Choking means something is stuck in Dude's throat and he can't breathe

Is gasping an adjective?

It can be. As the present participle of the verb "to gasp" it can modify nouns. Examples: Firefighters found the smoke-filled subway car filled with gasping commuters. Gasping onlookers watched as the huge crane fell from the roof and crashed into the street.

What is a Broan Range Hood used for?

Broan Range Hoods are used in ventilation. Specifically, these are used in the kitchen to vent smoke from the range or stove. This is necessary to prevent smoke build-up that can cause choking and shortness of breath.