There are various uses of fish oil. Yes..Fish oil helps prevent heart attack. You can get more information from the related link
Sports themselves do not trigger heart attacks. If anything, regularly participating in sports could prevent heart attacks. However, if you are going to have a heart attack, any activity that raises your pulse rate and strain on the heart may trigger it. Check with your doctor to see which activities your heart is strong enough for. If you think you are about to have a heart attack, stop activity and get help right away.
Just like any other creature, to much stress, eats to much anything humans can get a heart attack for.
No. If anything, spicy foods are shown in studies to REDUCE the risk of heart attack and stroke. If anything, some people get indigestion from spicy foods...which can FEEL like a heart attack.
forkenium 87
No, she died from cancer.
Potentially, shortness of breath can be a sign of a heart attack. Other symptoms include sudden persistent chest pain and nausea. The best way to prevent heart attack is to exercise and keep a healthy diet.
Not necessarily. It is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle after a heart attack. To prevent another heart attack keep your blood pressure low, exercise, do not smoke, eat healthy foods, & get plenty of exercise.
No, vitamin E is not good to take every day to prevent a heart attacks. There are studies that show there is no difference if the vitamin is taken each day to prevent heart attacks.
He died of a heart attack witch at that time was unknown how to prevent
eat vegetables and avoid to be stress and avoid high choresterol